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Prof.Dr. Tolga CAVAS

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology DepartmentFen-Bursa, 1995.
MSc: Mersin University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Mersin, 1998.
PhD:: Mersin University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Mersin, 2004.


Study Areas: Genetic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Nanotoxicology

Nilüfer Çinkılıç

Prof. Dr. Nilufer CINKILIC

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology DepartmentFen-Bursa, 1990

MSc: Uludag University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Bursa, 1995.

PhD: UUludag University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Bursa, 2001.


Study Areas: Genetic toxicology, radiobiology, cytogenetics

Özgür Vatan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozgur VATAN

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa, 2000

MSc: Uludag University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Bursa, 2005

PhD: UUludag University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Bursa, 2012.


Study Areas: Genetic toxicology, cancer biology, molecular cytogenetics


Res. Assist. Melika BEKTAS HORTOGLU

BSc: Vienna University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Microbiology and Genetics, 2013

MSc: UUludag University, Institute of Sciences, Department of Criminalistics, Bursa, 2016

​PhD: Continue

Study Areas: Criminalisytics, Genetics, Genetic Yoxicology.

Doktora Öğrencisi Neylan ORAL

PhD Student Neylan ORAL

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa, 2013
: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa, 2016.

PhD: Continue

Study area: Genetic Toxicology,​

Huzeyfe Huriyet

PhD Student Huzeyfe HURİYET

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa, 2013
: Uludag University, Institute of Sciences, Department of Biology,, Bursa,2017.

PhD: Continue

Study Areas: Genetic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Nanotoxicology


Doktora Öğrencisi Çetin AKCA

PhD Student Çetin AKCA


MSc: Uludag University, Institute of Sciences, Biology Department, Bursa 2016.

PhD: Contcinue

Stıudy Areas: Genetic toxicology, Nanotoxicology

Doktora Öğrencisi Carine ALLOUNAN

PhD Student Carine ALLOUNAN

BSc: El Tarf Universityt, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Department of General Biology, Algeria 2013

MSc: University of Science and Technology  Houri Boumedienne, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences Dpt.  of Molecular and Cellular Biology Algeria, 2015.

PhD: Continue


Study Area: Genetic toxicology, molecular biology

Doktora Öğrencisi Abdelaziz GHANI

PhD Student Abdelaziz GHANI

BSc: Djilali Liabes University, FAculty of Natural and Life Sciencesi Deoartment of Molecular Biology, Algeria, 2011.

MSc: Djilali Liabes University, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Department of REproductive Biology and Physiology, Algeriai 2013.

PhD: Continue

Study Areas: Genetic Toxicology, Reproductive Biology, Cancer.

YL. Öğr. Gizem ÇIRACI

MSc Student  Gizem ÇIRACI





YL. Öğr. Zehra Nur DÜZEN

MSc Student Zehra Nur DÜZEN

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa, 2017

MSc: Continue

Study Areas:  Genetic toxicology, cancer.

YL. Öğr. Sinem FINDIK

MSc Student Sinem FINDIK

BSc: Uludag University, Faculty of Sciences and  Letters, Biology Department, Bursa 2017.

MSc: Continue U

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